Football Manager 2012 ( FM-12 )

Football Manager 2012

Buat para maniak Game Bola selain PES 2012, ada yang lebih menarik lagi yaitu salah satu game terpopuler 2012 yaitu Football Manager, disini kamu dapat mengatur strategi permainan sepak bola layaknya Seorang Manager di sebuah klub sepak bola.

Ayo dapatkan game ini untuk info lebih lanjut hub : 085691006060/ Pin BB : 232B3E06
Atau bisa menginbox Facebook ku : / Eka Dedi Satria
harga DVD FM-12 = Rp. 7.500,00 " Per-DVD" ( Belum termasuk ongkos kirim )

Pengiriman bisa melalui transfer ke No rek bca : 6280736641 a/n Eka Dedi Satria, KCP cibubur

OS: Windows XP/Vista/W7
Processor: XP – 1.4GHz or Faster, Vista/W7 – 2.0GHz or Faster. Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon.
Memory: XP – 512MB RAM, Vista/W7 – 1.0GB RAM
Graphics: 128MB
Supported Chipsets – Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater.
Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported.
Earlier cards may require the DirectX 9.0 SDK is installed to run the game. This can be downloaded from the following url: DirectX Software Development Kit
Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 2GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
LAN: TCP/IP compliant

Trailer Football Manager 2012

Note :
 - Tutorial sudah terdapat di dalam kaset DVD  

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